Showing posts with label Webmasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Webmasters. Show all posts

Sunday 29 January 2017

Simple Ways On How Move/Copy Posts From One Blog To Another On Blogger

This article is about how to copy all the posts from one blog to another, using Blogger.

Follow these steps to copy all posts from one blog to another

1  Log in to Blogger.

2  Go to the export tab from the  Settings / Other tab.

3  Click on Export Blog.

Export-blog window on the old Blogger interface:
the new interface looks a little different, but has the same links

3a  If you are using the new interface, click Download Blog on the confirmation message window:

4  Your computer will download a file.   For Windows users, it will probably be put in the My Documents / Downloads file.  Or you system may use another place, or it may ask you where to put it.   Whatever happens, you will need to know where this file is saved to.

5  Open the blog that you want to move the posts to
(You may need to log out and in again, or perhaps just switch to different browser or tab)

Delete (using Posting / Edit Posts) any Posts that are already there, but which you don't want in the refreshed blog.

6  Go to Settings > Other and click Import Blog.  When the box opens, choose the exported file that you made earlier, and enter the security-text.
Import file selection screen in the new interface:
the old version of Blogger is very similar.

7  Choose whether or not to automatically publish all imported posts.  
Only tick the box if you DO want the posts automatically imported.   If you don't tick it, the posts will be loaded, but with have status of Draft, so won't be visible by readers until you publish them.

8  Click Import Blog.

Check that the import worked successfully, by looking at the blog, and also at the list of posts under Edit Posts:  are the right number of posts there, do they have the right labels etc.


IMG redCowRoadworks4586All the posts from the source blog will be copied to the destination blog.

Many of the post characteristics will be the same as in the original blog.  This includes:
  • title
  • post contents
  • published-date and time
  • label(s)
  • post-author.

Any comments from the source blog will also be copied over - sometimes it takes a few hours for the links for them to be re-establshed properly.

The URL for each post will be based on the URL of the blog you have imported them into and the publication-date that the posts had in the source blog - for example: /2009/05/name-based-on-post-title.html

Any internal links in the blog will still point to the post in the old blog
For example this link points to a popular article in Blogger-HAT.  
If I export-and-imported this post into a new blog, the link would still point to the same place, ie the post in Blogger-HAT - not to the post in the new blog.

Any pictures, videos etc in the old blog will still be in the same place that they were in (Picasa-web-albums, YouTube, Google Videos etc).

If you have imported more than the number of posts that Blogger allows per day (currently 50 I think) then to make any more posts today you will need to complete the captcha-test (ie entering the letters in the funny-shaped word).   This will go away approximately 24 hours after you last enter more that the maximum-posts-per-day.

Importing to the same blog

If you try to import posts into the same blog that you exported them from, Blogger will not import any posts, and give you an error message.

If you do want to do this (eg to create a duplicate set of posts), then do the export, change some small detail of the original posts title or date/time, and then do the import.
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Friday 27 January 2017

How to Hack Email Password

Need to Hack Email Account?
Here’s a Foolproof Guide to Hack Any Email Password!
On a regular basis, a lot of people contact me about suspecting their partner of cheating and ask me how to hack email password of their account, so as to find out the truth.
If you are in a similar situation or simply want to hack into someone’s email account, this article can surely help you out. Here in this article I will try to uncover some of the real and working methods to hack the password of any email account!

Possible Ways to Hack an Email Account:

While there exists many nasty websites on the Internet that mislead people with fake methods and false promises to obtain passwords, some often present readers with obsolete methods that can no longer be used. However, on this website you will find all the information clear, simple and easy to implement. With my experience of over 10 years in the field of ethical hacking and information security, I can tell you that the following are the only 2 foolproof methods to hack emails:

1. Keylogging: The Easiest Way!

Keylogging simply refers to the process of recording each and every keystroke that a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. This can be done using a small software program called keylogger (also referred to as spy program).
  1. How to Hack Email with a Keylogger?
    A Keylogger is small software program that can easily be installed by any novice computer user. Once installed, it records all the keystrokes typed on the computer including passwords. It does not require any special knowledge or skill to use keyloggers.
  2. Can a Keylogger be Detected?
    No! Once installed, it operates in a complete stealth mode and hence remains undetected to the computer user.
  3. What if I do not have Physical Access to the Target Computer?
    Not to Worry! Some of the best keyloggers on the market support “remote installation” that makes it possible to install it even if the target computer is hundreds of miles away.
  4. How can a Keylogger Help Me in Hacking Email Password?
    Once installed, the keylogger simply records all the keystrokes typed (including passwords) and uploads the logs to a secret server. You can access these logs anytime by logging into your online account that comes with the keylogger program.
  5. Which Keylogger is the Best?
    After spending a lot of time and money on testing different software programs, I conclude the following keylogger as the best one you can go for:
Hack Email Password
Realtime-Spy Top Features:
    You can install it on a remote computer as well as a local computer.
    Realtime-Spy is a tiny program that can be installed with just a click on a button.
    Since Realtime-Spy runs in a 100% stealth mode, you need not worry about being caught or traced back.
    Fully compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64-bit) and Mac.
You get a detailed step-by-step instruction and technical support after you purchase the software. So, what are you waiting for? Go grab Realtime-Spy now and expose the truth!

Download Realtime-Spy – for Windows

What if the Target Person Uses a CELL PHONE to Access Emails?
In case of a mobile device such as cell phone or tablet, you can use the mobile version of the above product called “mSpy”. You can order it from the link below:
Download mSpy – for Mobile Devices
Compatibility: Android Phones, iPhone, iPad and Tablets.

2. Other Way to Hack Email: Phishing

Phishing is the other most commonly used technique to hack email passwords. This method involves the use of Fake Login Pages (spoofed webpages) whose look and feel are almost identical to that of legitimate websites.
Fake login pages are created by many hackers which appear exactly as Gmail or Yahoo login pages. But, once you enter your login details on such a fake login page, they are actually stolen away by the hacker.
However, carrying out a phishing attack demands an in-depth expertise in the field of hacking. It requires years of experience with a knowledge of HTML, CSS and scripting languages like PHP/JSP.
Also, phishing is considered  as a serious crime and hence a risky job to attempt. In this post, I would limit the information on phishing which otherwise could lead to the misuse of information by attackers to cause potential harm. If you are a novice computer user, I recommend the usage of keyloggers as the easiest and best possible way to gain access to any email password.

Common Myths and Scams Associated with Email Hacking:

Well, before I conclude I would like to give all my readers a word of caution!
Today, there are many scam websites out there on the Internet which often misguide users with false information. Some of them may even rip off your pockets with false promises. So, here are some of the things that you need to be aware of:
  1. There is no ready-made software to hack emails (except the keylogger) and get you the password instantly just with a click of a button. So, if you come across any website that claims to sell such programs, I would advise you to stay away from them.
  2. Never trust any hacking service that claims to hack any email for just $100 or $200. All I can tell you is that, most of them are no more than a scam.
  3. I have seen many websites on the Internet that are distributing fake tutorials on email hacking. Most of these tutorials will tell you something like this: “you need to send an email to along with your username and password” (or something similar).
    Beware! Never give away your password to anyone nor send it to any email address. If you do so, you will lose your own password in attempt to hack someone else’s password. ๐Ÿ™
I hope you found this post interesting and informative. I would request the readers not to misuse any of the information presented in this article.
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Wednesday 7 December 2016

5 Unequivocal Benefits of Blog Commenting

If you are an online marketer or better still, if there’s anything you market online, you know that you need traffic, maybe huge traffic to really complement your efforts.
Actually there are a good number of ways of getting people to see the products in which you market and sell, but blog commenting seems to be the best among several options.
I will tell you why.
Blog commenting helps you build quality relationships with quality people and if you know how to connect and get into the heart of these folks, you are sure to really achieve your desired results, which is to sell your products effectively.
Hence, in this article, my assignment will simply be to espouse to you the little knowledge and success I have had with this strategy or should I say method of driving huge website traffic.
Please stay with me…

5 Unequivocal Benefits of Blog Commenting

#1. It Builds Strong & Lasting Relationships

This has to be the first point on this list and that’s because blog commenting is highly effective and substantial in really helping you build strong and long lasting relationships with people you don’t know and might never get the chance of ever seeing.
I know this because I have a firsthand experience with blog commenting and I believe I am sure in the best position to well, discuss this topic with you.
Looking back to my growing years as a blogger – I speak of those times in 2013 when I yet was starting out as a blogger whose knowledge about blogging was quite parochial and shallow; I had tried my hands on so many things all in the name of driving website traffic.
Trust me I regretted getting involved in some of these methods of driving blog traffic but one I still thank heavens for is ‘blog commenting’.
I remember I got so many benefits from religiously doing blog commenting and some of them included; getting quality backlinks to my blog, plenty guest blog request (some of which led to making money online), plethora meaningful and well-woven blog comments and the list is endless.
But one that however stood out to me was this – it helped me build strong and long lasting relationships with my blog visitors and the many more from the blogs I visit.
How does this whole thing work?
Well, quite simple.
I map out at least 15 blogs I find the most useful and relating to my blog’s niche, then I begin my quest of reading these blogs and dropping power-comments on them.
That’s it. Really!
If you find a pretty long and invaluable comment as the picture below, what would you do?

Of course you would want to click-through to find out who this person with much meaningful words as this is and BOOOOM, you are already following! That’s winning people’s heart over to you and hence, a relationship is being built.
Get my drift?

#2. Helps to Drive Traffic

Traffic! Traffic!! Traffic!!!
It is the lifeblood of every successful blog and without it you don’t stand a chance at making sales in the online space. You’d just get really frustrated as to quitting the business of blogging. Not fair to you, considering the weeks, months, or maybe years of effort you’ve had to put into the whole thing.
So it becomes extremely important for you to really drive website traffic, just so you can get a good number of people patronizing you, your business and buying your products.
How are you going to do this?
This becomes the question that begs for an answer. Well, I will do well to give to you, the answer. ๐Ÿ™‚
Like the point I made above, you’ve got to map out some really popular blogs and begin commenting on them. Please drop only superb and powerful comments on them. It’s the only way you’d be able to get them coming to your own blog or your checkout pages.
To get really huge website traffic means taking your time to really read the blog editor’s article, understand it, and drop your invaluable insight on the subject being discussed.
Now, doing this religiously will stand effective as helping you drive traffic and make mouthwatering sales online.
Oleg’s great post on how to get traffic and generate lead should really get you started on some more cool options other than blog commenting to get huge website traffic.

#3. More Subscribers

Ever heard of the mantra ‘The money is in the list?’
Well, that’s pretty true.
The money is in the list and there are a good number of people making huge money from affiliate marketing and selling their own information products by simply mailing out these products to the persons on their lists.
When you have 30-50k people subscribed to your list, you can be sure to make huge return on your investment (ROI). That makes huge sense. Doesn’t it?
The secret though is in learning to double the numbers of subscribed persons on your list and one of the ways savvy internet marketers double their ‘Email List’ numbers is in doing blog commenting.
Some of them go as far as hiring this task out to persons on Fiverr for only $5 to simply help them in submitting massive comments on blogs on the internet-web.
Even though I feel they go overboard with this. You must have noticed a lot of spam comments on your blog. That’s the resulting effort of spamable blog comments.
However, intelligently engaging in blog commenting will most times drive people to come visiting your blog, which in turn will enjoin them to opt into your email list. This is effective especially when you’ve got a great blog running and a good BRIBE in FREEBIES.
Try this out and thank me later!

#4. Get Quality backlinks

‘Not all links are equal!’
I trust you’ve heard these words before. Have you not?
Well, that’s the truth.
Of course, you can’t compare a backlink gotten from Neil Patel’s QuickSprout to one gotten from a certain blog that has less and irrelevant blog posts.
Hope that drives home my point?
It’s good to want to do blog commenting but you must be sure of your objectives, the goals and what you hope to get from engaging in this method of driving website traffic.
Are you about the numbers or the sales?
Take my advice; only comment on quality and top blogs in your niche and not just anyhow blogs if you are about getting quality traffic that will pay you for your efforts and time invested into commenting on these many blogs.
It is as simple as ABC, right?

#5. You get to make sales.

Sales! Sales!! Sales!!!
This is the reason why you are probably still doing what you are doing. Yes, it’s the reason why you are even reading this post. I got you there, right?! ๐Ÿ™‚
Now, it is either you are hoping to make sales from the efforts in what you do or you are already making sales and hope to make even more sales.
At least I know that the latter drives me up from bed most mornings. And I just want to really double my earnings.
Is that familiar to you?
Oh it is!
But you know this is not going to be possible if you are not first of all driving traffic, maybe huge traffic to your website and sales point.
The higher the traffic you get, the higher your chances at doubling your earnings.
It is that simple.
But how many of us are really driving huge website traffic? Are we not just forming and complaining bitterly at the back?
I mean there are truckloads of people who mail and buzz me up on Facebook, asking the one million-dollar question, ‘Sam, how do I increase my website traffic?’
My response to these folks as always been to take on the challenge of reading at least 10-15 blog posts on a daily and of course imprint your invaluable thoughts on them. The result was and continues to be mouthwatering for me as it has helped me in becoming a celebrated blogger whom everyone wants to hire and do business with.

Wrapping Up

I want to believe that my 5 Unequivocal Benefits of Blog Commenting will get you out of the worries of not getting enough website traffic to getting more than enough and making even more sales via your online business models.
Hope this post was helpful?
If it is what I hope it is, please do drop a line or two in the comment section of this post just so I know how helpful and useful it is to you. Please don’t hesitate in sharing it with your friends if you feel it will be of huge benefits to them.
Thanks for stopping by and consuming the whole texts. Do have a great day ahead!
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